Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day, Troops and Horses

The unofficial start of the summer is one of the most anticipated holidays on the calendar, mainly by adults. By the number of requests to have their saddles ordered last week to be delivered by last Friday, this is a start to the trail riding season for many equine enthusiasts. As a side note, if you purchase an item using 3-Day Select on a Wednesday, don't expect to receive it on Friday. That would require 2nd Day Air. Despite a few disheartened riders getting their new saddles after the holiday there are many horse riders on trails as I write this. They are taking in the sights and smells of the great God given nature scenes found on many trails across the country. In my neck of the woods, the weather is extremely pleasant and I am anxious to get outside myself.

I dare not do this until I pause for today to remember the many that have died for this great country and those that are currently putting their lives on the line for us even today, another day I'm about to enjoy. My thoughts are drifting to the soldiers in Afghanistan, in particular those that are patrolling the land on horseback. There is a little concise write up on the history of horses in warfare at A few years ago, I was able to correspond with them as we shipped them 10 Billy Cook saddles . I admit to occasionally fantasizing of the valor found in mounting your horse, with modern day gear going off to battle like the brave troops are doing on a daily basis. I'm sure that as the bullets are buzzing by their heads, they are desiring of being some place other than in battle, possibly spending a a nice day on the trails. We need to pray for these soldiers. Let's make a conscious effort to seek an old veteran out and express our gratitude for serving this great country.

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